Bregenzerwald Cup - unhöfliches Verhalten von Turnpoint

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  • mgrzemow
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 03.02.2005
    • 3
    • n.a.

    Bregenzerwald Cup - unhöfliches Verhalten von Turnpoint


    Entschuldigen Sie mich, aber mein Deutsch ist schlecht (babelfish ;-) und Ich werde schreiben in Englisch.

    I just wanted to inform you that I have been treated in a rude and arrogant way by the German distributor of Gradient - Turnpoint during the BregenzerwaldCup. They should really be ashamed.

    I wanted to test the Aspen, as I am thinking about buying one.

    I was talking to a lady responsible for demo gliders.

    First contact:
    - Actually we don't have demo gliders, these are the gliders of the "Gradient Team". Please come tomorrow.

    Next day:
    - All gliders are out, please come in an hour.

    I waited for an hour.

    In an hour:
    She (hesitation in voice): we actually lend gliders only to people from Austria and Germany (sic!).
    Me: Earlier you told me to come again, so how will it be - can I test one?
    She: But I can't even sell you any gliders, you should talk to your distributor if you want demo.
    Me: I came here 1100 km to test different gliders, so now please make final decision - will you lend me this glider or not.
    She: Well, let me see if we have one available.

    She looked at some bags and started talking to another customer without returning to me. I was stunned (what the hell?), waited a little for her to tell me if she has a glider for me, but she didn't. So I approached her and asked for it.

    She: No, no, they are all out, you see we give gliders only to people from Germany and Austria.

    At this point I lost my temper, told her that I think about her attitude and never returned to their stand.

    At ALL other stands I was greeted with a smile and had no problems whatsoever.

    I understand that they has no interest in giving me a glider as she can't make profit on me, but she should al least inform me about their policy in a clear and polite way.

    I was hesitating whether to write about it, but I believe that such behaviors should not be ignored. I believe that excellent Gradient gliders deserve a better distributor.


    Michal Grzemowski,
    Krakow, Poland
  • mgrzemow
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 03.02.2005
    • 3
    • n.a.

    AW: Bregenzerwald Cup - unhöfliches Verhalten von Turnpoint

    I forgot to menton that - a copy of my post was also sent to Gradient.


    • steilspiralbefürworter
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 06.02.2003
      • 233

      AW: Bregenzerwald Cup - unhöfliches Verhalten von Turnpoint

      @ michal

      ...i feel sorry, that you made a experience like this in the bregenzerwald. but i hope beside that bad situation you could enjoy the visit in der woods of bregenz' (bregenzerwald).

      are you still here or back in poland?

      to bad we didn't meet. i'm allways interested in meeting people 'pilotes from outside'.

      greets to poland and i'm shure if i come to your country, i'll have a better welcome from the dealers there

      but don't worry, shit happens!

      great that you came into our valley,

      bearnie (a real local)


      • easyfly
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 02.12.2001
        • 589

        AW: Bregenzerwald Cup - unhöfliches Verhalten von Turnpoint

        Typisch für die gute Illona, ich war heilfroh als sie damals die Gin Vertretung verloren hatte und ich meinen Lieblingsschirm woanders kaufen konnte. Die arrogante Art Kunden links liegen zu lassen sucht ihresgleichen selber mehrmals erlebt. Da stehst vor ihr möchtest etwas kaufen und sie bringt es fertig so unfreundlich zu sein das du dich umdrehst und dir denkst "Ich kauf meinen Schirm woanders"

        Einmal war ich bei ihr, auf der Freeflight, mit dem Besitzer einer nicht unbedeutenden Flugschule, der war an Gin interessiert.
        Illona saß tratschend mit einem ihrer Wettkampfpiloten in einem schönen Cabrio und machte keine Anstaltern sich um einen potenziellen Kunden zu kümmern. Nach 20 min. hats dem dann gereicht und wir sind gegangen. Der Illona ist das vermutlich nicht einmal aufgefallen...


        • beklu
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 04.06.2001
          • 144
          • münchen

          AW: Bregenzerwald Cup - unhöfliches Verhalten von Turnpoint

          Zitat von mgrzemow

          She (hesitation in voice): we actually lend gliders only to people from Austria and Germany (sic!).
          Me: Earlier you told me to come again, so how will it be - can I test one?
          She: But I can't even sell you any gliders, you should talk to your distributor if you want demo.

          hi michal,

          that's a very strange way to treat you and certainly (as you experienced at other stands) does not necessarily reflect the attitude of most of the distributers (hm, maybe you read the thread about markus gründhammer and his supposedly rude behaviour, it sort of sounds comparable -if true- to what you experienced...)

          what i don't understand is the fact that she told you she was "unable" to sell you a glider. what if you payed cash at the stand and took a glider with you?
          or even at a later point of time: do you have to buy at a local polish distributor or do you have the free choice to buy your glider wherever you want? you ARE in the EU meanwhile...

          anyway, i hope that there will remain no hard feelings that you associate with the rest of austria/germany or whatsoever.

          come back again and enjoy a holiday of flying!
          all the best, long live peace among the nations. and between producers/distributers and their customers :-)

          see you at cloudbase
          Ich bin keine Signatur. Ich putz hier nur.


          • mgrzemow
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 03.02.2005
            • 3
            • n.a.

            AW: Bregenzerwald Cup - unhöfliches Verhalten von Turnpoint

            Hi all,

            Thanks for your support. I really enjoyed myself and this one person could not spoil my vacation - no way dude ;-)

            I just wanted to let you know - they say that the truth will set you free...

            And see you at the cloudbase too - I plan to come to the Alps finally this year - hopefully a couple of times... ;-)

