Fliegerfestival Ucmakdere/Tekirdag TÜRKEI 08./09. Mai 2010

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  • Eren28
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 03.06.2007
    • 9

    Fliegerfestival Ucmakdere/Tekirdag TÜRKEI 08./09. Mai 2010

    Am 08. und 09. Mai 2010 findet das Fliegerfestival in Ucmakdere/ Tekirdag in der Türkei statt.

    Die Kosten der Flugtickets für Hin- und Rückflug (Istanbul-Atatürk Airport) müssen selber getragen werden. Die Kosten für die Unterkunft + Verpflegung für den 07. und 08. Mai übernehmen die Organisatoren. Es gibt einen Flughafentransfer.

    Für alle anderen Tage muss man die Kosten für die Unterkunft selber tragen.
    Die Kosten betragen pro Nacht ca. 20- 25 Euro inklusive Frühstück.

    Kontaktadresse: Herr Sanli Fidan ( kann deutsch sprechen)

    Mobile Phone : 0090 505 4469077 E-mail: sanlifidan@hotmail.com



    Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt teilen.

    Wetterbericht von Ucmakdere/Tekirdag:

    Wer teilnehmen möchte sollte bis zum 04.April bei der oben genannten Person sich anmelden.
    Zuletzt geändert von Eren28; 11.12.2009, 20:53.
  • Eren28
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 03.06.2007
    • 9

    AW: Fliegerfestival Ucmakdere/Tekirdag TÜRKEI 08./09. Mai 2010

    Hallo Leute,

    bevor es zu spät wird möchte ich euch noch mal an dieses Festival erinnern.
    Die Ticketpreise steigen von Tag zu Tag und die Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten vor Ort werden auch von Tag zu Tag mehr belegt.
    Wer teilnehmen möchte, kann sich gerne bei mir melden.
    Meine Handynummer: 01782840986

    E-Mail: flieger10@hotmail.de



    • Eren28
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 03.06.2007
      • 9

      AW: Fliegerfestival Ucmakdere/Tekirdag TÜRKEI 08./09. Mai 2010


      The festival held last year, being the third International Tekirdag Ucmakdere Paragliding Festival, was an organization with the most participants regarding both national and international paragliding pilots in Turkey. Succeeding and attracting so much interest from many pilots, our festival will be held this year again with the support of Tekirdağ Governor’s Office as well as Tekirdağ Chamber of Commerce and Industry and with the organization of the Tekirdağ Nature and Air Sports Club on May 8- 9, 2010. In our festival where all accommodation, meals and beverage needs will be met free of charge by this organization, the transportation to and from the city centre as well as transportation at the paragliding site will also be organized by the committee free of charge.

      Guest houses are going to host our guest as from Friday evening. However, participants who would like to stay in tents are welcome at the camping site next to the take-off site in Ucmakdere. Registration will start on March 20, 2010 via e-mails. Taking into consideration that the number of international participants last year was 83 of total 293 participants, it is expected to attract an increasing number of participants this year as well. Although the certain number of participants are not clear yet, it is expected that the quota of our capacity for hosting will be full in a very short time. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you register as soon as possible so that we can make your reservation to the guest houses in time.
      This year, differently from the previous years, the committee will take a 10€ symbolical amount for some expenditures of the organization. This fee will be taken at the registration desks set at the paragliding site on the festival dates. The renewal of your registration and the payment of the fee will cover your lunch tickets, identification badges and surprise gifts. Since the identification badges will inlude your personal information such as blood group, name and surname as well as the necessary phone numbers of the organization team and radio frequencies, it is essential that the pilots carry their badges during the whole organization dates.

      According to the regulations of the Turkish Air Sports Federation, all necessary measures will be taken and equipment, such as having ambulance, doctor, and rescue team will be ready on the paragliding site. There will be wind socks and streamers on both take-off and landing sites which will be able to seen from air and land easily. During the whole festival, all pilots will be informed about the paragliding site and will be asked to obey the rules about air traffic as well as soaring. Pilots who do not behave accordingly, will be warned by the take-off chief and /or will be authorized to ban the pilot from flying. It is mandatory that all pilots wear a helmet and have a ready-to use reserve chute.

      We would like to see all interested pilots on the 4th International Tekirdag Ucmakdere Paragliding Festival and wish our guests wonderful and memorable flying experience during our festival. We hope that there will be many new friendships among national and international paragliders which we hope will found a basis for bigger organizations on paragliding in the future.
      All videos and photos about the festival last year are available on our website www.tedohavk.com For registration, please contact us from the below mentioned e-mail address: sanlifidan@hotmail.com

      On behalf of the Organizing Committee

      Sanli FIDAN

