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Ich habe ein Homepage von fleigen in Voss gemach. Gibt auch in english. Voss ist liegt eine Stunde oestlich von Bergen. Bekannter uns schoener Flueggebiet in western Norwegen.
Thanks Geir.
Excellent information and impressing pictures. Looking forward spending Midsummer in Norway. Any other English information about paragliding in Norwaz out there?
Christian Freitsmiedl
We don't have so many flying sites in Norway with the infrastructure and access to the take-off like you have in Germany and the Alp region. Voss is one of the best in Norway with cable car to the south facing take-off.
However, if you don't mind a bit of walking, you can fly almost wherever you want. (Mind restricted air space and cultvated land with high grass on the landing). It is best to contact the local pilots. Just ask, and most places they wil be happy to share and show their sites to visitors.
I would not go to Norway only to fly. Due to our unpredictable weather, you should have alternative activities. But there is plenty to do if you like outdoor activities. Strong wind is the dominant problem, as well as rain on the coast. And yes, - it is expencive.
Legal alcohol import to Norway is 1 ltr of spirit and 1 ltr of wine per person, I think. Remember to bring your own, as our prices are just unbelievable! And I prefer to drink ....
Other homepages with info in english are rare, but there is one XC-oriented by Frode Halse which has some articles in english: