Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehner

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  • semmy1
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 18.12.2010
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    • Iron Eagle

    Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehner

    Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:16 am Post subject: Airdesign Pure against Ozone M4


    Last Sunday I had the chance to get a 5 hours flight on the Airdesign Pure M. I flew with my Advance Impress 2 and had 106 kg in total.
    Friend of mine (Tom Russegger) flew the Ozone Mantra M4 ML, also with 106 kg.

    Both of us flew the same distance – a triangle with about 130 km in Greifenburg (Austria). Wind was light from south – southwest. Thermal was good – up to 7 m/sec, high cloudbase (up to 3.800 m).

    Two other friends flew on Ozone R10, same distance, always with us Markus Eder, Christoph Haas). The R10 pilots are very talented pilots, but they are not so experienced on the R10 (both coming from serial class and have about 10 thermal flights on the R10). All four of us have been connected with radio, means we had the chance to try a few things, asking how much of the speedbar the other pilot is pushing at the moment …

    PARAGLIDING ⛳ Emberger Alm [AT] ∷ ⌛ 5:21:05 h ∷ ø 25.64 km/h ∷ ⊺ 3784 m

    PARAGLIDING ⛳ Emberger Alm [AT] ∷ ⌛ 5:45:13 h ∷ ø 21.94 km/h ∷ ⊺ 3718 m

    I had the chance to fly the M4 already a few days before and was very impressed about the performance. Except top speed this wing is close to the performance of his big brother R10 in gliding and climbing with a way better handling. At this flight I had the chance to compare with a Niviuk Peak 1 (!) and a Ozone R10. Result: Close to the R10, far ahead of the Peak.

    Means the target for the AD Pure was high. So much before: the performance is wondrous equal with some very light differences:

    Taking off is easy on both wings. (We had a light headwind)

    Both of us had no problem to follow the R10’s. In stronger thermal we have been even better because it’s been way easier to us to center the thermal. No difference in thermaling between Pure and M4 (in strong and weak thermal).

    1st WOW!
    Both wings have an outstanding trimspeed, way faster than Peak or other EN-D wings. The trimspeed was even a bit faster than the R10 trimspeed. The gliding between both wings (Pure & M4) has been the same – no difference at all. On our final glide we have been soaring against the wind – both on trim speed. After 2 km gliding: same altitude, same distance – exactly the same!
    The R10 is on trimspeed a bit slower, but they pushed the speedbar to have the same speed. Then the R10 gliding is very slightly better (after 5 min. flying between 10-30 m altitude difference (means hard to say, almost equal).

    The speedbar on the AD Pure is harder than on the M4, but still easy to push with one leg. Very usefull on the Pure are the “C-Balls”, some small balls on the C-risers. You can manage to steer the wing when going on speedbar without losing to much performance. The balls also help to control the wing while going through some turbulent air without releasing the speedbar. This was one of the differences between M4 and AD Pure. In turbulent air the M4 had to break – means reducing speed. I just pulled on the C-Risers. (Probably you could do this on the M4 as well)
    Very interesting: Both wings have exactly the same top speed. We pushed the full speed bar – same gliding, same speed! Both wings showed no sign about feeling nervous – very stable!

    GLIDING – the most important to me!
    2nd WOW
    The gliding with trimspeed is exactly the same – no difference between the M4 and the AD Pure. BUT with 1/3 – 1/2 on speedbar the AD Pure has a better gliding. We tried it twice – one time with the wind, one time against the wind. With the wind the difference was almost nothing, against the wind there was a difference (about 50-70 meters in altitude after a 3 km gliding). The air was weak on this gliding, sometimes some small lifts, but nothing enough for thermaling.

    Both wings (M4 & AD Pure) have a great handling. Since last year I use to fly with tight chest strap – as tight as possible (the new wings give still a very good feedback, thermaling is still easy and the handling becomes way better). The AD Pure is very easy to fly, the feedback is great and I felt very safe the whole flight – just nothing to complain!

    Ozone M4 and Airdesign Pure are almost equal with some small advantages for the AD Pure in gliding on 1/3 – 1/2 speedbar and with the “C-Balls” to balancing the wing in turbulent air while going on speedbar compare to pulling the brakes.
    The Ozone M4 has a softer speedbar, which makes a long flight even more relaxing.

    Doesn’t matter which of the two wings you are going to fly this year, you will love it!

    Happy landing

    Stefan Brandlehner, Austria

  • semmy1
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 18.12.2010
    • 12
    • Iron Eagle

    AW: Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehn

    Freue mich rießig für Stephan Stieglair und den Jungs von Airdesign das ihnen mit dem
    PURE ein spitzen Schirm gelungen ist.
    freue mich schon rießig auf meinen PURE kommt in 2 Wochen dann werden wir sehen wer der Maßstab 2011 sein wird.


    • vertigo
      Registrierter Benutzer
      • 23.01.2002
      • 632
      • Michael Diederich
      • Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn

      AW: Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehn

      Habe euch starten und aufdrehen gesehen war schon beeindruckend


      • semmy1
        Registrierter Benutzer
        • 18.12.2010
        • 12
        • Iron Eagle

        an Sommerflieger

        Lieber Sommerflieger ich weiß wirklich nicht was mit dir los ist, was ist wichtiger : Hompage oder Schirm ????
        für mich ist eigendlich wichtiger ein spitzen Schirm wie der AD-Pure ist fertig , denn mit einer auch noch so super toll und obergeilen Homepage kann man doch nicht fliegen, und die Infos gibt`s derweil ja auch auf Facebook.
        Donn noch zu den chaotischen Jungs, und zu den nichts fertigmachenden Stephan !!
        Ich glaube nicht das man den warscheinlich besten Serienhochleister 2011 bauen kann wenn man chaotisch ist und nichts fertig macht, lieber Sommerflieger.
        Die Jungs von Airdesign inkl. Stephan Stieglair sind schon erste Sahne, und daß mit der Homepage werden sie zu deiner Beruhigung schon auch noch in den Griff bekommen.
        Du solltest vielleicht lieber mal einen AD- Schirm testen als hier so abzulästern !!!!
        Zuletzt geändert von semmy1; 05.04.2011, 13:12.


        • FliegenWilli
          Registrierter Benutzer
          • 14.05.2005
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          • n.a.

          AW: Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehn

          Das Internet wird schlicht überbewertet.


          • Sando
            Registrierter Benutzer
            • 11.04.2010
            • 318
            • Sando

            AW: an Sommerflieger

            Zitat von semmy1
            warscheinlich besten Serienhochleister 2011
            ist das nicht schon der Poison³?


            • semmy1
              Registrierter Benutzer
              • 18.12.2010
              • 12
              • Iron Eagle

              Airdesign Pure

              Zitat von Sando
              ist das nicht schon der Poison³?
              a so a Gschicht Sando, wird sich dann im laufe der Saison sicher herausstellen !!!
              in erster Linie zählt immer der Pilot der das Teil fliegt !!!!


              • JHG
                Registrierter Benutzer
                • 16.02.2005
                • 3096
                • Sepp
                • n.a.

                AW: Airdesign Pure

                Zitat von semmy1
                in erster Linie zählt immer der Pilot der das Teil fliegt !!!!
                Überhaupt nicht !!!!

                Letztens ist mein Schirm abgesoffen und ich konnte gar nichts dafür.

                Außerdem hatte er Untersatützung vom Gurtzeug (beim Absaufen)


                • hannes AIRDESIGN
                  Registrierter Benutzer
                  • 19.06.2003
                  • 463
                  • johannes sandhofer
                  • mayrhofen - tirol

                  AW: Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehn

                  hallo leute,

                  erstmal möchte ich mich entschuldigen für meinen usernamen, der wird bald mit airdesign enden, denn ich war beim stephan im uptesteam und war hier im forum sehr lange zeit nicht mehr, der neue username ist bereits beantragt.

                  bzgl. der homepage möchte ich euch wissen lassen, dass diese schon sehr weit ist und es kleine verzögerungen gegeben hat.
                  aber ohne produkte können wir ja keine homepage machen, die produkte haben wir ja jetzt und dementsprechend gehen die dinge ihren lauf.
                  wir haben uns zwischenzeitlich mittels facebook beholfen.
                  wir wissen, dass FB nur eine ergänzende hilfe für marketing ist, aber es lag nahe diese aktuelle form der kommunikation zu nutzen.
                  ihr dürft nicht vergesssen, dass es die firma Airdesign noch keine 2 monate gibt.
                  hier ein link bzgl. dem team und ein hauch von den produkten:
                  generell werden wir auch über videos promoten, für die ich unter anderem zuständig bin.
                  auf FB könnt ihr schon zahlreiche bilder zu den schirmen sehen, die wir niemanden vorenthalten möchten.

                  vita und purevideo ist im rohcut und ich hoffe wir können euch das jeweilige produkt schön präsentieren.

                  ich würde das team auf keinen fall als "träge" bezeichnen, im gegenteil wir sind sehr bemüht und es steckt sehr viel herzblut hinter unseren arbeiten.

                  das ist für uns der richtige weg, alles andere hätte keinen reiz und wäre nicht ziehlführend.

                  wir sind sehr froh über das positive feedback bzgl des pures und freuen uns auf weitere tolle erfahrungsberichte.

                  mit besten grüßen

                  hannes sandhofair
                  Zuletzt geändert von hannes AIRDESIGN; 06.04.2011, 23:22.


                  • hannes AIRDESIGN
                    Registrierter Benutzer
                    • 19.06.2003
                    • 463
                    • johannes sandhofer
                    • mayrhofen - tirol

                    AW: Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehn

                    so username passt, danke

                    keep reaching goals



                    • JHG
                      Registrierter Benutzer
                      • 16.02.2005
                      • 3096
                      • Sepp
                      • n.a.

                      AW: Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehn

                      Chamäleon Flowers

                      Welcome back und viel Erfolg mit AD


                      • sbrandlehner
                        Registrierter Benutzer
                        • 06.04.2011
                        • 7

                        AW: Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehn

                        Airdesign Pure against Ozone M4 - addition

                        Till yesterday I thought comparing two wings is a normal issue on this forum.

                        Unfortunately some parties are not so happy with my post about the differences on AD Pure and Ozone Mantra M4.

                        Let me explain:
                        I’m competing in the Austrian league since many years. The wild years are far in the past. Flying is just my hobby, not my passion anymore. I’m having kids and I’m way more in my job now. Result: much less flight time! This made me a bit more fearful. Out of this reasons I decided some years ago to change from open class to serial class.

                        But still I’m ambitious, I would like to win!

                        Out of this reason I change my wings quite frequently. If I’m competing, I would like to have a competitive wing. A year with a cheap, but noncompetitive wing is a frustrating and wasted year! I flew UP for the last years and got always a good deal – thanks to Edi from UP. But the main reason was the competitive wing from UP, not my relationship to some persons. I told them to fly the wing just until a better wing is on the market. If this wing is not coming from UP, I would try to deal with the other brand – hoping to get a good deal as well. With Edel, Nova, Gin, Prodesign, Airwave, Mac and UP I had already many different wings.

                        The outstanding R10 told me, that Ozone will bring one of the best serial class wings this year. Out of this reason I asked already in winter if it’s possible to get one for a test flight. If the testflight shows me that this wing is competitive, I will take it. The price offer was very ok to me. It’s logic that a company with an outstanding reputation like Ozone is not giving the wings for free. If this company would be my company () I would do it exactly the same.

                        On the other hand I got the offer from the new company Airdesign to fly their wing this year. The price offer was way better – for sure – Airdesign is new on the market. (The Airdesign designer Stephan Stieglair knows me from the Austrian league; he has been also the designer of the UP Trangos). I told Airdesign to take the wing for a test flight. But like with Ozone I also did not tell Airdesign that I’m going to compare the wing with others. (sometimes companies suspect such actions).

                        My decision was clear – I take the wing with the better performance. If they are equal, I take the Airdesign because of the better price.

                        Luckily both wings arrived almost at the same time, this gave me the chance to compare them.
                        The result of my comparison you can read above. Please notice: Every report could be very subjective! Just because I like the handling of a wing it doesn’t mean that you will like the handling too … As you can read in my report both wings are wondering equal. The differences are almost nothing (to me).

                        One very important information which I’ve been told to tell you:
                        The Airdesing Pure has no certification at the moment!
                        On the Airdesign Facebook page you can find the official information, that the Pure M passed all testflights with EN/LTF-D (March 9th). But what I have been told from Airdesign the loadtest is not finished yet, supposed to be done in the next days. My Pure was made just 2 weeks ago, right after the EN/LTF testflights. (Stieglair went to the factory in Asia and brought them by plane – thanks Stephan Wink ).

                        Yes, this means I compared an EN/LTF-D (Ozone Mantra M4) wing with an open class wing. Next week the comparison is probably more fair Wink.

                        At the end I would like to say sorry to everyone, who is not happy with my report and my decisions.
                        I know some of the guys from Ozone, which are outstanding pilots and great people! I don’t know my Ozone contact person in Austria personally; probably our start could have been better.

                        In German this letter would have been not even half of it, but with my bad English … - sorry!

                        Stefan Brandlehner, Austria


                        • semmy1
                          Registrierter Benutzer
                          • 18.12.2010
                          • 12
                          • Iron Eagle

                          AW: Airdesign Pure

                          Zitat von JHG
                          Überhaupt nicht !!!!

                          Letztens ist mein Schirm abgesoffen und ich konnte gar nichts dafür.

                          Außerdem hatte er Untersatützung vom Gurtzeug (beim Absaufen)
                          do muß du dir einen Heißluftballon kaufen


                          • semmy1
                            Registrierter Benutzer
                            • 18.12.2010
                            • 12
                            • Iron Eagle

                            AW: Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehn

                            Zitat von sbrandlehner
                            Airdesign Pure against Ozone M4 - addition

                            Till yesterday I thought comparing two wings is a normal issue on this forum.

                            Unfortunately some parties are not so happy with my post about the differences on AD Pure and Ozone Mantra M4.

                            Let me explain:
                            I’m competing in the Austrian league since many years. The wild years are far in the past. Flying is just my hobby, not my passion anymore. I’m having kids and I’m way more in my job now. Result: much less flight time! This made me a bit more fearful. Out of this reasons I decided some years ago to change from open class to serial class.

                            But still I’m ambitious, I would like to win!

                            Out of this reason I change my wings quite frequently. If I’m competing, I would like to have a competitive wing. A year with a cheap, but noncompetitive wing is a frustrating and wasted year! I flew UP for the last years and got always a good deal – thanks to Edi from UP. But the main reason was the competitive wing from UP, not my relationship to some persons. I told them to fly the wing just until a better wing is on the market. If this wing is not coming from UP, I would try to deal with the other brand – hoping to get a good deal as well. With Edel, Nova, Gin, Prodesign, Airwave, Mac and UP I had already many different wings.

                            The outstanding R10 told me, that Ozone will bring one of the best serial class wings this year. Out of this reason I asked already in winter if it’s possible to get one for a test flight. If the testflight shows me that this wing is competitive, I will take it. The price offer was very ok to me. It’s logic that a company with an outstanding reputation like Ozone is not giving the wings for free. If this company would be my company () I would do it exactly the same.

                            On the other hand I got the offer from the new company Airdesign to fly their wing this year. The price offer was way better – for sure – Airdesign is new on the market. (The Airdesign designer Stephan Stieglair knows me from the Austrian league; he has been also the designer of the UP Trangos). I told Airdesign to take the wing for a test flight. But like with Ozone I also did not tell Airdesign that I’m going to compare the wing with others. (sometimes companies suspect such actions).

                            My decision was clear – I take the wing with the better performance. If they are equal, I take the Airdesign because of the better price.

                            Luckily both wings arrived almost at the same time, this gave me the chance to compare them.
                            The result of my comparison you can read above. Please notice: Every report could be very subjective! Just because I like the handling of a wing it doesn’t mean that you will like the handling too … As you can read in my report both wings are wondering equal. The differences are almost nothing (to me).

                            One very important information which I’ve been told to tell you:
                            The Airdesing Pure has no certification at the moment!
                            On the Airdesign Facebook page you can find the official information, that the Pure M passed all testflights with EN/LTF-D (March 9th). But what I have been told from Airdesign the loadtest is not finished yet, supposed to be done in the next days. My Pure was made just 2 weeks ago, right after the EN/LTF testflights. (Stieglair went to the factory in Asia and brought them by plane – thanks Stephan Wink ).

                            Yes, this means I compared an EN/LTF-D (Ozone Mantra M4) wing with an open class wing. Next week the comparison is probably more fair Wink.

                            At the end I would like to say sorry to everyone, who is not happy with my report and my decisions.
                            I know some of the guys from Ozone, which are outstanding pilots and great people! I don’t know my Ozone contact person in Austria personally; probably our start could have been better.

                            In German this letter would have been not even half of it, but with my bad English … - sorry!

                            Stefan Brandlehner, Austria
                            brauchst di jo nit entschuldigen Stefan , host jo nix schlechtes über`n M4 gsogt !!!!


                            • conny-reith
                              Registrierter Benutzer
                              • 19.01.2005
                              • 4826

                              AW: Airdesign Pure vs Ozone Mantra4 Beitrag übernommen von Stefan Brandlehn

                              @ semmy,

                              es ist bestimmt nicht nötig die ganze Seite zum Zitieren zu benutzen.

                              Aber einfach !
                              Gruß Conny
                              Zitat von Sir Isaac Newton: Was wir wissen, ist ein Tropfen, was wir nicht wissen, ein Ozean.

