CompetitionPilot flight computer for palmOS

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  • vinc
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 13.11.2007
    • 1
    • Vincenzo Piazza

    CompetitionPilot flight computer for palmOS


    CompetitionPilot is a new FREE software that turns your Palm device connected to a GPS into a Flight computer.

    The software can be downloaded here:

    Some features are:

    - CompetitionPilot logs the track, calculates wind direction and speed, the arrival altitudes at the next waypoint and at goal and several other data.

    - Competition: CompetitionPilot manages different kinds of races: speed run or race to goal, with start on entry or on exit and with cylinder and/or line goal.

    - Start opening: while you wait for the start window to open, CompetitionPilot calculates how early or late you will arrive at the cylinder with respect to the window opening.

    - Customisation: one of the most distinctive features of CompetitionPilot is that you can customise the navigation page: you can decide which data to show and where on the screen. It also allows creating different pages and assigning them to different flight situations (wait for start, thermal, generic and final glide.) You will be shown the data you need when they are needed.

    - Routes and waypoints: you can transfer waypoint (in CompeGPS or OziExplorer .wpt format) and route (in CompeGPS .rte format) files directly on your memory card during an HotSync operation and then load them with CompetitionPilot when you need them.

    - Autozoom: the moving map has a double autozoom feature: the magnification is automatically increased the closer you ger to the next waypoint; a thermal zoom with colour track activates when you start circling in a thermal. Optionally, you can have CompetitionPilot to compensate for wind-induced thermal drift to aid in centering.

    - Sharing: you can easily share waypoints, routes and even the customised displays with your flying buddies via infrared/BlueTooth or memory card.

    Please, check it out and let me know what you think about it!


    P.S.: sorry for posting in English, but my German is quite rusty...