AW: XCSoar auf Kobo Mini/Touch/Glo
Hallo Burkhard,
super vielen dank!!! Nun endlich kommen meine Werte im Kobo an.
Hallo Burkhard,
super vielen dank!!! Nun endlich kommen meine Werte im Kobo an.
$PTAS1,xxx,yyy,zzzzz,aaa*CS<CR><LF> xxx CV or current vario. =vario*10+200 range 0-400(display +/-20.0 knots) yyy AV or average vario. =vario*10+200 range 0-400(display +/-20.0 knots) zzzzz Barometeric altitude in feet +2000 aaa TAS knots 0-200 * end of data character CS XOR of all characters between but not including $ and * note: commas as shown are included. example $PTAS1,200,200,02426,000*25 CV=0 AV=0 ALT=426 feet TAS=0 CS=25