Cuba Sí - ein Brief von Andrés

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  • chris2004
    Registrierter Benutzer
    • 11.10.2004
    • 1616

    Cuba Sí - ein Brief von Andrés

    To come to Cuba and to fly with Cuban pilots is not problem.

    I live in the central region of Cuba, in the county of Villa Clara.

    The name of the club is Stairways to the Sky (Escaleras al cielo) and we have good relationships with the other Cuba club.

    our flight area numbers 1 it is only to 30 Km of the city from Santa Clara very next to the freeway.

    We thank all the donations because we cannot buy.

    The things that seem old for you are of great utility for us.

    To fly with our club it is not necessary to bring donations
    When you come to Cuba you can warn me in advance.

    I send him pictures of it finishes it competition organized by our club.

    we thank their interest in helping us



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    Zuletzt geändert von chris2004; 17.05.2005, 02:18. Grund: Uuups - ich hatte die Bilder im Anhang vergessen